To our community,
In all of our blood is a yearning to improve the world. Architect Ed Mazria said recently, “People in the design profession love problems. That’s what we live for.”
Our unique abilities as designers allow us to connect with and understand others, and ultimately to translate and share that understanding with all. This great responsibility is especially vital in extraordinary times.
As this year comes to a close, we feel it is an important time for you, our community, to connect—to learn from one another, and to elevate each other, our profession, and our society.
AIGA is committed to working for public good and design excellence. We are looking to our community to help us in these endeavors. To foster this conversation, we pose these questions:
- What do you think a designer’s role in society is?
- What way(s) do you contribute as a designer?
- What would you like to share with other designers?
Please contribute your voice by filling out the form below. Remember, designers do, literally, change the world
We’ll be collecting responses to be published and shared with the community. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please select the option in the form.
AIGA is a safe place for people of all backgrounds. We are always open to your feedback. Please feel free to speak to any board member at events, or contact our Directors of Membership and Community Outreach.
Thank you,
Your AIGA Boston Board
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