Join the Board: AIGA Boston Seeks Boston Design Director (Volunteer Position)

The AIGA Boston Board of Directors invites members of the Boston design community to apply for an open Design Director position. AIGA Boston is an all-volunteer organization.

Deadline to apply/nominate: August 1, 2024

How to apply: Send a short email of interest to Please include a resume, portfolio, and/or links to relevant experience.

Our review process: A committee of past AIGA Boston leaders and two current board members will review all nominations. Nominees need not be members at the time of nomination but will be required to join if elected.

About the role:

The Design Director stewards the Chapter’s brand and visual design and coordinates our community of volunteer designers to provide design support to Chapter initiatives, campaigns, and events. The Design Director keeps abreast of the latest AIGA brand standards, maintains the Chapter’s volunteer designer list, and partners with fellow board members and committee members to build creative briefs and art-direct promotional graphics for AIGA Boston events and initiatives.

Additional responsibilities

  • Identifying, contacting, and nurturing relationships with volunteer designers
  • Coordinating with board members to build creative briefs for chapter event and campaign graphics
  • Working with the Communications team to build processes to promote the Chapter and its activities
  • Maintaining the Chapter brand alongside AIGA National’s guidelines
  • Maintaining best accessibility practices to ensure Chapter events are open to everyone in the public

Desired skills, traits & experience

  • Experience in graphic design and providing feedback to team members
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Self-motivated and independent
  • Want to make a difference and contribute to something bigger than yourself
  • Google Docs / WordPress / Eventbrite / Adobe Creative Suite / Slack
  • Motion Design skills a plus!

Responsibilities and commitment

  • Commitment to working towards being an equitable and inclusive organization
  • Represent at AIGA Boston events (attend as many as your schedule allows)
  • Flexible terms (AIGA Boston Board Members generally commit to a 2-year term)
  • Time Commitment: 4 – 10 hours/month
  • Minimum Tenure: 1 year

General board responsibilities

  • Attend mandatory monthly board meetings and retreats
  • Maintain AIGA membership in good standing
By Duncan Lawrence
Published July 15, 2024