As we celebrate the new year, some of the AIGA Boston board members reflected on their favorite moments from 2017.
Amy Parker, Director of Emerge Initiative
The student portfolio review at Lesley this year was the most memorable AIGA event for me. As a reviewer, I was impressed with the creative problem solving and professionality students brought from schools like Mass Art, Lesley, NESADSU, and Boston University. The ‘brave souls’ in these reviews often consider the holistic experience of a brand with stronger visual languages based on primary and secondary research. The work this past year was overall, smart.
Lauren Yanko, Director of Member Experience + Community Engagement
One of my favorite AIGA Boston moments in 2017 was working with the Communications Team on our board to bring about the Member Spotlight. So much exciting and meaningful work is being done in our community by enormously talented designers. We value our members and want to share their work and their stories. Doing so not only promotes and celebrates our spotlight member, but also allows readers to learn more about their field and grow in their own careers. Looking ahead, we’re hoping to highlight in-house teams in the new year. Do you know someone or some group who should be featured? Fill out our nomination form.
Amanda Bakerlee, Director of Design+Business Initiative
My favorite part of AIGA Boston 2017 was our camera stand from the event: The Changing Boston Designscape.
Sarah Croughwell, VP of Communications
My favorite moment of 2017 was during the “Redesigning” event. I loved seeing how to tackle a website design that has literally millions of potential users while also maintaining a consistent look across dozens of agencies within the state. The panel asked really thoughtful questions that got at the heart of some of the biggest design questions and the audience was really engaged. I was really inspired by the passionate design critique everyone contributed.