Join AIGA Boston and Lesley University for a talk on the Future of Web Typography by Jason Pamental.
For centuries, typography has shaped the way we ‘hear’ what we read. In our web work, though, we have had to balance our typographic desires with user experience and performance, knowing that every weight, width, or style of a typeface required a different file download. Variable fonts change that, as they include every width, weight, slant, and other permutation of a typeface, all in a single file not much bigger than a regular font file. Now beautiful web typography can be crafted to respond to screen size, language setting, even ambient light. I’ll show not just how far the new capabilities can take us, but how to make use of them right away.
- How far the new Variable Fonts capabilities can take us.
- How to make use of them right away.
Designers, Design Strategists, Design Managers, Product Managers, Developers
AIGA Member: $10
AIGA Student Member: $5
Non-Member: $20
Student Non-Member (ID Required): $8
Lesley Community (ID Required): Free
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Jason Pamental, Senior Director of Design & Technical Strategy, Isovera
Jason is a long-time practitioner of web design and development, having first gotten involved with the industry in 1994. Over the years he has led projects ranging from Ivy League and High Tech to the NFL and America’s Cup from both creative and technical roles. His focus on digital strategy has been a natural outgrowth of that synthesis of technology and design.
After years of having his love affair with type stymied by the likes of font tags, SIFR, and Cufon, the advent of @font-face and the launch of Typekit gave new life and avenues of exploration. Since 2010 he’s been researching and writing on typography for the web and digital platforms: he’s author of Responsive Typography from O’Reilly, articles for Net Magazine, PRINT Magazine, HOW, Typecast Blog,, and more. He’s also a frequent podcast guest, having appeared on The Web Ahead, Boagworld, Non-Breaking Space, and others. An experienced speaker and workshop leader, he has presented at dozens of national and international conferences on the subjects of web typography, responsive design, and design strategy & process.
An avid road cyclist and reformed full-time competitor, he still grapples with the eternal question “if it’s not on Strava, did it really happen?” The real story: mainly he just follows Tristan and Tillie around Turner Reservoir, posting photos on Instagram.

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Graphic by Jaxy Stewart