Chiranit Prateepasen

What type of work do you do ?
In short, UX and UI design.
What that means is I design web applications for people to get their job done better. I consider what people want to do and how they might feel afterwards. I balance the needs of the users and the business goals. I ask a lot of whys to understand the context. Then, I turn all of the learnings and insights into a delightful experience and design.

What got you started volunteering with AIGA?
I felt fortunate to have learned how design can play a strategic role for businesses and make people’s lives better. I wanted to get involved in the design community and create events that help advance our profession.

What do you hope to achieve as a board member??
Create a strong community with passion for design and people. Establish a connection with the members, other professional groups, students. Collaborate with folks on the board to create content and experiences for the Boston design community.

What’s your favorite dining spot in the city?  I eat out way too much, so my favorites come in different categories. For special occasions, I love Oleana. For relaxing nights, it’s Orinoco.

By AIGA Boston
Published March 29, 2015