Mental Health Series: Care-Mapping Workshop

As part of our Mental Health Series, please join us and Jayati Doshi, co-founder of Sensemaking Lab, for a virtual workshop on care-mapping.

There is so much being said about care, but the reality is that our relationship to care is muddled. Not receiving enough care, giving too much care, not doing enough for everything we care about… there are big and small ways that the idea of care causes anxiety, exhaustion, and guilt. This workshop intends to take you on a journey of redesigning your relationship to care as something not only collective, inclusive, and nourishing but also enabling and empowering. We will begin by "mapping" care in our lives (literally!) through a playful exercise that involves metaphors and imagination, and then use that map to have a conversation about how we can "design" for better and more expansive care - not just for ourselves but within our worlds

When & Where
Sat, Jun 26, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT