Mind, body, and the rise of the machine. What does design mean to you, and how do you see it evolving over time? AIGA Boston and IDEO Cambridge have partnered together for this member-focused night. Join us in their new Prospect Street location and see for yourself how elements of Andy Warhol's factory were reenvisioned by Partner and Executive Design Director, Michael Hendrix, and his team.
This is the perfect opportunity to help shape the design community and connect with other members. Share feedback in an open conversation in IDEO's studio space.
IDEO will facilitate a workshop session where you imagine design ten years out. Groups will work from prompts to find solutions to issues surrounding people, environment, and technology. AIGA Boston board members will be around to answer any questions you may have and learn how we can better support you as your design career unfolds.
6:00 doors open
6:30 introductions
6:45 workshop begins
8:15 studio tour
8:30 event ends
Food and drinks will be available to fuel you before the workshop begins.