What Type of Member Am I?

You may be curious what type of membership is best for you, so we’ve put together a handy guide for you to find where you fit in.

Join / Renew between September 9th and 16th to be entered into our *raffle*!



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Am I a Contributor? If any of the following fit your description, the Contributor membership is for you.

-I am a student/in training

-I have been in the field for less than a year

-I am a new design fan

-I just want to support AIGA

Become a Contributor today



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Am I a Supporter? If the any of the following fit your description, the Supporting membership is for you.

-I am a junior designer

-I am just starting out, with 1-5 years of experience

-I am a dedicated design fan

-I am an educator with limited means

Become a Supporter today



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Am I a Sustainor? If the any of the following fit your description, the Sustaining membership is for you.

-I have been at it for awhile (5+ years)

-I am committed to my role as a designer

-I’d like to invest in the future of the design profession

-I am a freelancer looking for insurance and other assistance

Become a Sustaining Member today



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Am I a Leader? If the any of the following fit your description, the Leader membership is for you.

-I have earned my place as a leader of the design profession

-I am serious about my commitment to the growth of design

-I have been in the industry for 15-25 years

Become a Leader today



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Am I a Trustee? If the any of the following fit your description, the Trustee membership is for you.

-I am a titan of the design industry (humbly, of course)

-I inspire people

-I have been in the industry for over 25 years

-I want to show my commitment to what AIGA stands for in a profound way
Become a Trustee today

By Emily Hamre
Published September 9, 2015